To Mr. Amsterdame

Hello, today i am going to write in english because of respect to Mr. Amsterdame.
I met him on a trip to Barcelona and now we talk through msn.

Today i was at work from 06.30 - 1400. it was much shorter then the original time but it is good. plus i was tired of being there. Im going tomorrow too. 15.00 - 24.00. I have no clue what so ever how i am going to get home.. thinking 'bout asking my dear friend, soul mate and "lover" alex if there is a posibility that maybe i could sleep there but as i was saying, i get off 'round 24.00 and that is late. and everybody in her house sleeps and she is in school the morning after. Maybe i can get someone to pick me up afterward. But maybe not. I could sleep there too but i dont want to. i really dont know.

So, maybe i have mentioned this before but i am reading this book series, The mediator - meg cabot. Now i'm on the fourth book. very exciting and ,ohmygod, so horrible. The man, that i love - that everybody loves, he is gone. Forever? And that BITCH Maria de silva is haunting suze. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA.. I asked my dad to bring me the two last books. i feel extremely empty knowing that it is almost over, the series i have been waited for so long is almost over and i have to read Harry Potter, got i a bloody year ago(did you hear the british accent) and haven't even opened it yet. i feel bad. Naughty girl. But the thing is that there is so much literature to be read and so little time. I wish i could read as fast as alex sometimes. then it would be a lot easier.

What to say what to say. My fish is great, all of them. they are living and swimming 'round like crazy, i like it. it is beautiful to watch when you have nothing to do. they look so peaceful, i wish i could be that peaceful too, just swim around and look beautiful. and have my friends, and dont have to do so much, just exsist. yeah, that is nice i know.
And Bosse, my evil kitten, my lucifer. He is here with me right now, looking at me with his big mean eyes. i am afraid. And since my room mate left me hanging i have to live with that. and with Bosse.


Yeah, and you suck to!! you know that! get mad at me for such a little thing. You deserve nothing you bastard!

And for all of you who dont understand english - too bad! And if i have some spelling issues - Bug off.

"Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard: Be evil."


Postat av: Sandra


And gosh, you should've asked! Then I'd actually have a REASON for staying up late and not only because I'm weird and... Weird.

Jesse's wonderful. Aaaah. Feeling like rereading the books again.

You should still've contacted me. I would've cleaned my room juuuust for you. Mhm.

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